PiK Foundation

Promoting wellness through health education


WHO CAN APPLY? 501(c)(3) organizations are welcome to apply for funds from PiK; we give priority to organizations serving our home regions of southeast MO and middle TN.

GRANT AMOUNT? Up to $10,000 over a 10-month period. If necessary, funds can be budgeted over 12-months, but a final report will be due after 10 months.

WHEN? Grant applications are due March 15 and September 15. Awards will be announced and funds will be distributed one month post-deadline (April 15 for the spring deadline and October 15 for the fall deadline). 

RESTRICTIONS? A minimum of 80% of funds must be allocated toward direct program costs and, in compliance with IRS Form 1023, no grant funds may be used for political purposes or scholarships.

LIKELIHOOD OF GRANT AWARD? We consider many factors when reviewing grants. One key determinant of funding is alignment with our mission and specific purpose. Thus, programs aimed at preventing or decreasing the chance of undesirable health outcomes through nutrition/movement education will be given preference. In addition, to emphasize prevention, programs aimed at children and youth will take priority.

REPORTING REQUIREMENTS? One report is required. A template will be sent to grantees at the end of the grant cycle and will be due one month later. Questions will ask about outcomes, budget, and ideas for potential improvement of the program.

HOW TO APPLY? If you are seeking funding for a program that provides education in nutrition/movement, please download the Application and Budget templates below. Send the completed forms to info@pikfoundation.org on or before the due date (March 15 for spring and September 15 for fall).